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WMAC 2024 Unveils Games' Anthem: GOLDEN STARS

In a thrilling announce­ment, the World Mas­ters Ath­let­ics Cham­pi­onships (WMAC) 2024, set to take place in the pic­turesque city of Gothen­burg, Swe­den from August 13 to 25, has released its offi­cial anthem, GOLD­EN STARS’. This pul­sat­ing track, now avail­able on all major music plat­forms, encap­su­lates the spir­it of the cham­pi­onship and is expect­ed to res­onate with par­tic­i­pants and spec­ta­tors from across the globe.

Gold­en Stars’ is more than just a song; it’s a ral­ly­ing cry that cap­tures the essence of WMAC, a sound­track to the sto­ries that will unfold over the 14-day cham­pi­onship. As the city by the sea, Gothen­burg, pre­pares to wel­come cham­pi­ons and heroes from every cor­ner of the world, this anthem will echo in the hearts of all. 

Eva-Lena Frick, Head of the Gothen­burg Ath­let­ics Fed­er­a­tion, expressed her excite­ment, We are thrilled to present this anthem, which we believe will become a crowd favorite dur­ing cer­e­monies and award pre­sen­ta­tions. It embod­ies the pas­sion and ener­gy that sur­rounds the cham­pi­onships, and we are con­fi­dent it will con­tribute to an elec­tri­fy­ing atmosphere.” 

Essi­ty, a glob­al hygiene and health com­pa­ny with their largest office in Gothen­burg, is a proud part­ner of WMAC and the offi­cial cham­pi­onship anthem. Through this part­ner­ship, Essi­ty is sup­port­ing healthy and active lives, empha­siz­ing the impor­tance of an active and healthy lifestyle for all, regard­less of age. This part­ner­ship is a trib­ute to every­one involved in the com­pe­ti­tion; ath­letes, offi­cials, and spectators. 

The anthem, writ­ten by the trio of Rolf Eriks­son, Sara Bergqvist, and Chris­t­ian Jon­son, is per­formed by the cap­ti­vat­ing artist Nora Hedin, among oth­er things known for fea­tur­ing songs for famous Swedish DJ Hog­land. I am thrilled to be a part of this and to present the song,” says Nora Hedin. My hope is that it will inspire both the par­tic­i­pants and the audi­ence to tru­ly appre­ci­ate and enjoy the championship.”

Lis­ten to Gold­en Stars’ now on all major music plat­forms and get ready for a world-class cham­pi­onship in Gothenburg! 

Lis­ten to Gold­en Stars

Reg­is­ter for WMAC 2024

About WMAC in Gothen­burg 2024

WMAC is a glob­al gath­er­ing that unites ath­letes from around the world in a cel­e­bra­tion of sport and cama­raderie. This year’s event, open to com­peti­tors and spec­ta­tors aged 35 to 100+, promis­es to be a mem­o­rable spec­ta­cle with world-class com­pe­ti­tions. With 8,000 par­tic­i­pants from 100 nations, WMAC in Gothen­burg is not just about crown­ing over 1,200 new world cham­pi­ons, but also about cel­e­brat­ing life and good times. We invite every­one to lis­ten to the offi­cial song and share it with friends and fam­i­ly to spread the word about this unique and excit­ing event. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it our web­site www​.2024w​mac​.com

About Essi­ty

Essi­ty is a lead­ing glob­al hygiene and health com­pa­ny ded­i­cat­ed to improv­ing peo­ple’s well-being through sus­tain­able and inno­v­a­tive solu­tions. The com­pa­ny has sales in approx­i­mate­ly 150 coun­tries under glob­al­ly lead­ing brands such as TENA and Tork, as well as oth­er strong brands like Acti­move, JOB­ST, Leuko­plast, Libero, and Libresse. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it www​.essi​ty​.com